About Power Plate

With two decades of innovation, Power Plate® has emerged as the industry leader and global authority in Whole Body Vibration technologies. Power Plate's patented Precisionwave Technology™ makes it the most advanced WBV system, enabling it to comfortably and consistently deliver vibration at the precise frequency and amplitude needed to maximize therapeutic outcomes.

Power Plate is a USA FDA & European Union MDD registered medical device. It is the only WBV technology to receive Mayo Clinic's NEAT™ certification.

Precisionwave Technology™

Precisiion Wave Technology Power Plate pro7 Directional Vibration
  • Vibration at 25-50 times per second on a vertical axis (Z), Frontal plane (Y) and Sagittal plane (X), delivers the precise sinusoidal oscillation pattern required for medical-grade vibration.
  • Harmonic vibration delivers predictable form, shape, and speed allowing for a consistent, controlled pattern of reflexive muscle activation.
MDD Certified Medical Device Logo
Medical Device Class IIA Logo